Monday, September 3, 2007

Do-It-Yourself and Dreamy Dinners

Do-It-Yourself Dinners in Tinley Park is having a gluten free day on Friday, September 28th from 11AM until 6PM. Each meal serves 4-6 and costs $25. If you're planning on attending all orders must be called in in advance. For more information contact them at or 708-444-8450.

Dream Dinners located at 75th & Lemont Road in Downers Grove is willing to host a Gluten Free Wikaduke night at their store. According to their website the average cost per 6 serving meal comes to $19.98. While their website lists the September menu it doesn't state which items are gluten free. Lana will coordinate the Gluten Free Wikaduke night (right Lana?) if you're interested in participating please email us and we'll forward it on to Lana.

> The place is called Do-It-Yourself Dinners, the phone is 708-444-8450 and
> the website is