Monday, November 5, 2007

Freebie Info!

Below you will find the list of companies that generously provided samples of gluten-free products for our anniversary meeting. Some of the items were sampled, some placed in the goody bags and a few of the items were put in the raffles. If given the opportunity, please thank them for their contributions.

Gluten-Free Pantry and Glutino
Strawberry Wafers

Mrs. Leepers
Creamy Tuna Noodles
Beef Stroganoff
Spaghetti Rice Pasta
Rotelli Corn Pasta

Bio-Naturae Pasta
4-ounce packages of penne pasta (boil 8-10 minutes)
$ .50 off coupons

Celiac Specialties
Donut Holes
Angel Food Cake
Pumpkin Muffins

Gluten-Free and Fabulous
Macaroni and Cheese
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Karen's Crisps