- Snyder's of Hanovers, O-Ke-Doke, Jay's, Eatsmart and Kruncher Made without Gluten List can be found here.
- Target at Route 59 and 135th have recently expanded its gluten free section and it is much improved.
- Wild Bran, a health food store, in Lisle has many GF products. It's located in the 'tallest building in Lisle' which is found at 4714 Main Street. The phone number is 630-541-7565.
- Need a French fry fix? Five Guys fries are fried in a fryer that fries nothing else. [Say that five times!]
- Gluten-free Bisquick is now on the shelves! Some of our participants like it; some don't. You be the judge.
- A recipe for a homemade pie crust was requested. The Perfect Pie Crust recipe can be found here.
Mission: To improve the quality of life of those living with Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance through education, advocacy and support in a group setting.