At the September meeting we determined topics for the next several meetings. Your contributions to the upcoming meetings are encouraged and appreciated!
October 2:
We encourage everyone to attend the CSA CARE Walk which is also taking place on this day! For those who choose to attend the GFW meeting among other things will discuss Halloween candy.
November 6:
Gluten-Free Wikaduke's 4th anniversary annual potluck will take place at this meeting. Please bring a dish to pass. Check the blog in October for more info on the potluck.
With Thanksgiving just a couple of weeks away we'll distribute an updated Thanksgiving survival guide. If you would like to contribute any of your favorite Thanksgiving recipes, please email them to us!
December 4:
Cookies, cookies, cookies! Bring a tray of your favorite/best cookies to share at our annual cookie tasting. Don't forget to bring at least two copies of the recipes!
Those with stellar fudge making skills might also choose to enter a batch of fudge in this friendly but competive Fudge Off. Those in attendance will vote and the winner gets bragging rights as well as a nifty little prize. [Nifty little prize is yet to be determined!]
January 8:
A group dinner was suggested as GFW doesn't meet in January. We'll look into a meal at Biaggi's, Wildfire, etc. or even a 'Za and Beer gathering at one of our homes. More info to come!
February 5:
After months of food focused meetings it's time for something educational! A dietitian will speak about "Losing Weigh and Maximizing Nutrition While Following the GF Diet."